Sunday, 26 February 2012

Had a few good run outs in the car this weekend!

As the weather has been good it was foolish not to make the most of it and take the Westie out for a bit.  Managed to get out Sat and Sun for a few hours and am getting more and more used to the car now, but still VERY impressed with it!

Only thing I have noticed is that the rear arches have been stone chipped a bit this weekend so will now be looking for some carbon effect rear arch protectors.

Still debating about changing the dashboard to a digital dash, something like a DASH2 or even STACK set up but we will see.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Cycle wing fixed!

Got the wing bracket back and refitted it to the car, so all now back together again.

Hoping to take it out tomorrow....

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Fixing cycle wing.

Managed to get some time tonight to look at the cycle wing.  Jacked the car up, took the wheel off and then removed the wing itself (as it had bolts fixed to the underside).  That meant I could remove the bracket without having to undo the top ball joint etc:

Once off I had a go at welding it myself, but had no joy, so have given it to a friend of mine (who can weld well as he is a mechanic) to sort out tomorrow.  Once done will repaint and re-assemble.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Went out today with the TrackCam app.

As the weather was OK decided to go out with the TrackCam App to give it a try.  Was a bit wary of the road conditions mind but seems a good app,mind you need to make the mounting arrangement a little more secure I reckon.

Did notice on the drive that the OS cycle wing bracket has a crack so will need to fix that in the not too distant future.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Bad weather!

Well, due to the weather not had a chance to give it  trial run yet, but I will as soon as I can (next weekend all going well!)

Friday, 3 February 2012

Iphone to car.....

Well, had a bit of time spare so played about in the garage.  I removed the belt clip from the retaining clip and then used cable ties to attach it to the roll bar:

 Used an old retaining strap I had laying about to secure it even more.

Only issue I can see already is the fact that I can not charge the phone while using the camera app.

Hoping to give it a trial run in the next day or so!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Mounting the iphone?

Well, the griffin survivor case I ordered has arrived, just need to find a way to mount it to the rollbar and keep it steady now, as want a case thgat will protect the phone as well as let me use it with the trackcam app.

So, that will be this weekends task (hopefully!!)